Logo van De Proefbrouwerij
Plaats Lochristi-Hijfte
Land België
Url De Proefbrouwerij

De Proefbrouwerij

De Proefbrouwerij is a Flemish brewery dedicated in developing and producing high quality beers for third parties. It is established in 1996 by Dirk Naudts and his wife Saskia Waerniers. De Proefbrouwerij has a mission to brew beers for itself and brew beers for others. The brewery takes in new recipes and ideas from new brewers and established breweries. At the same time, De Proefbrouwerij engages in research in an effort to improve beer flavors and quality. The brewery is located in Lochristi village by Ghent. Reinaert is the brand owned by De Proefbrouwerij brewery.

Bieren die in de selectie van de Beer hebben gezeten

Reinaert Grand Cru
Reinaert Grand Cru

De Proefbrouwerij

Donker Belgisch Bier 9,5%