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Millstreet Food

With Coca Beer, we are entering the world of beverage with the first beer made with coca-leaves. The unknown world of a beer that gives refreshment with a kick. Let's go next level, follow our journey and be a part of the happy few. Don't be afraid to test it. We are the only brand in Europe that are legally working with Coca Leaves. It is a light and refreshing beer, low in alcohol (3.5%), typically enjoyed with a squeeze of lime from the bottle.

Alle bekende bieren van Millstreet Food

Bier Bierstijl
Pablo’s Coca Beer Kruidenbier
Bier Adventskalender 2024

Bier Adventskalender met hoogste vroegboekkorting

De beste, grappigste, lekkerste, meest exclusieve en growltastische adventskalender ter wereld is terug. Aldus een erg bescheiden Beer.

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